Neurable recently showcased a prototype attachable device that adds brain control to Virtual Reality experiences and everyone is literally losing their minds.


Brain-controlled VR Games Are No Longer a Thing of the Future

Neurable’s peripheral replaces the standard strap on the HTC Vive and functions with specific brain signals (event-related potentials) to trigger actions in the Virtual Reality environment. In the video game Awakening, players can use their minds to escape from a lab as if they had telekinetic powers. It’s truly fantastic, players don’t need to physical wands as they grab objects and battle against robots.

“We foresee an ecosystem of control inputs that will combine to make AR/VR environments incredibly responsive and adaptive to user behavior. Great strides have already been made with motion capture, haptics, eye-tracking, and natural language processing. What has been missing is a serious effort to link mixed reality to the ultimate computing platform — the human brain.” Said Michael Thompson, Vice-President at Neurable.

Virtual Reality video games are the first and most evident application of Neurable capabilities. The company hopes to bring this exciting experience to VR arcades in 2018. The brain controller is expected to be slicker than it looks right now. The current prototype is bulky and makes people look as if they are part of some sick brain experiment.

But Neurable won’t settle with just video games, the company has bigger ambitions. It envisions brain control as the next big thing in Virtual Reality interfaces, and overall technology. If Neurable accomplishes its goals, it will make it much easier to handle any kind of interface without the need for buttons, sticks, or controls. People won’t need to look at a keyboard in order to activate all sorts of mechanisms, they will just need their brains. Virtual Reality offers a great environment for this kind of technology to test itself and we are optimists it will give us much to talk about in the future.

Source: Neurable PitaControllersHardwareTechnologyNeurable recently showcased a prototype attachable device that adds brain control to Virtual Reality experiences and everyone is literally losing their minds. Brain-controlled VR Games Are No Longer a Thing of the Future Neurable’s peripheral replaces the standard strap on the HTC Vive and functions with specific brain signals (event-related potentials)...VR, Oculus Rift, and Metaverse News - Cryptocurrency, Adult, Sex, Porn, XXX