Oculus Quest to Set a Higher Bar for Content
In a blog post authored by Facebook’s Chris Pruett, Oculus Quest has announced its plan to impose a stricter process for software approvals for its upcoming Oculus Quest Store with the aim of giving users richer experiences and boosting the likelihood of developer success. Oculus Quest launches this spring with some 50 games that will be available during release. Developers who want to add their titles to the store will have to put up with an extra rigorous approvals process that will put a premium on “quality first”.
The new quality-first approach in title curation applies specifically to the Oculus Quest. The existing process is currently less stringent with developers wanting to get their titles onto the Oculus Store for either Oculus Go or Rift headsets required to submit a title which is subsequently reviewed for both content and technical function before it’s approved to the store. With Quest, developers will have to go through an extra process.

Before any game is submitted to the Oculus Quest Store for consideration, the developer will now be required to submit a concept document for the title through a separate process. They will need to have the concept approved through a process that Oculus estimates will take approximately ten days. It’s only after this that the normal submissions pathway will be open for developers.
Oculus is obviously interested in having the best quality titles in its Quest Store but the extra approval step is also aimed at ensuring that developers don’t waste their resources and time into a project that may eventually be rejected during the submissions.
Oculus has always adopted a curated approach to its stores aimed at ensuring that prospective developers will satisfy its content policy guidelines and that its customers are assured of high quality experiences that are both safe and comfortable. As a new platform, Oculus Quest is committed to making sure that players get the best kinds of experiences from VR titles with a good depth of play, fidelity as well as a VR presence that will fully leverage the 6DOF + movement.
Oculus Quest, a Facebook standalone system will begin shipping in the following months with a starting price of $400. The standalone virtual reality system is a hybrid of the companies erstwhile VR efforts which included the Oculus Go, Gear VR along with the Oculus Rift. Oculus Quest will be a standalone virtual reality system and just like Oculus Go and Oculus Rift, the device will be shipping with Touch controllers and six degrees of freedom (6DoF) tracking which will be great for the more engaging games such as Face Your Fears.
By setting higher quality bar, Oculus Quest probably becomes the most stringent of the VR platforms. The other options in the market have varying degree of scrupulousness and openness when it comes to accepting new content. One of the most stringent at present is the PSVR whose publishing process is slightly more opaque and which institutes a careful selection non the kinds of VR content to onboard onto its platform. The previous versions of Oculus tended to be more open, allowing virtually anyone to submit games for review as long as those submissions met the requisite content and technical guidelines. That is now going to change with the Oculus Quest.
https://virtualrealitytimes.com/2019/03/01/oculus-quest-to-set-a-higher-bar-for-content/https://virtualrealitytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Oculus-Sets-a-High-Quality-Bar-for-Quest-Content-600x338.jpghttps://virtualrealitytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Oculus-Sets-a-High-Quality-Bar-for-Quest-Content-150x90.jpgBusinessHardwareOculusOculus QuestVR HeadsetsIn a blog post authored by Facebook’s Chris Pruett, Oculus Quest has announced its plan to impose a stricter process for software approvals for its upcoming Oculus Quest Store with the aim of giving users richer experiences and boosting the likelihood of developer success. Oculus Quest launches this spring...Sam OchanjiSam Ochanji[email protected]EditorVirtual Reality Times - Metaverse & VR