Next No Man’s Sky Update to Have Significantly Better PSVR Graphics
The free virtual reality mode space exploration game No Man’s Sky VR was launched in mid-August. The game has been highly traded and did quite well in the monitor version. There are also close to one million No Man’s Sky players currently with access to virtual reality glasses making it one of the most popular virtual reality games ever.

The initial market launch has been fraught with challenges and technical glitches. Even PC players who have fairly fast and powerful computers have a hard time playing the game with a consistently high refresh rate. In virtual reality, this gets even worse as the jerky inserts cause motion sickness or nausea in VR.
No Man’s Sky to Get Better on PC and PSVR
While PlayStation VR users have never had a problem with jerky rendering, they still have to grapple with pixelated and washed-out pictures. Distant landscapes in the VR environment are transformed into pixel pulp, thereby ruining the overall quality of the rendering.
It has now been revealed that the next No Man’s Sky update will usher in “significantly improved image quality in PSVR”. This is from the 12/09 experimental build changelog that was posted on Steam. This experimental branch will only be available on Steam. PlayStation VR users can’t access these changes yet but it is a harbinger of things to come in the next build:-
“Significantly improved image quality in PSVR: reduced blurriness caused by TAA jitter and fixed low-quality terrain/atmosphere jaggies.”
No Man’s Sky VR is already available on Oculus Rift S and PlayStation VR but the PSVR version has lower quality “blurry” visuals. Should the next patch offer improvements on PSVR, then the developer Hello Games will have resolved the biggest issue with the game on the PSVR platform. If you are especially sensitive to blurs, then this improvement will give you an opportunity to finally enjoy the game more comfortably.
Hello Games’ documentation for its latest still experimental PC patch talks about the build containing a number of optimizations for better rendering performance for both PlayStation VR and PC VR. These optimizations will be key to improving the visual quality of the game on PlayStation VR.
Hello Games has noted that both the blur and the ugly edges in the surrounding graphics will be significantly reduced. It is not yet known when the PSVR patch will appear.
Upload VR performed tests of the latest build on the Valve Index headset and noticed some “minor improvements” of the previous major optimization patch. However, the team noted that the game is still not maintaining a 90Hz on their RTX 2070. The game has undergone some major improvements since its initial release but it appears as if it still not performing optimally on PC.
No Man’s Sky had a rocky start but Hello Games has been keen on resolving the issues and gradually improving the game to meet the expectations of players. The studio has also promised a long-term support for the No Man’s Sky VR market launch. free virtual reality mode space exploration game No Man’s Sky VR was launched in mid-August. The game has been highly traded and did quite well in the monitor version. There are also close to one million No Man’s Sky players currently with access to virtual reality glasses making...Sam OchanjiSam Ochanji[email protected]EditorVirtual Reality Times - Metaverse & VR