Tornuffalo is a fun mini game that was first released last December and it just included full body tracking via HTC Vive trackers to add more fun and realism. The original game had players ducking and diving to avoid debris thrown by tornadoes using only their Vive headsets, but now you can attach three Vive Trackers to increase the level of immersion.


HTC Vive Full Body Tracking to Avoid Tornadoes

By using full body tracking support, Tornuffalo gets a bit more difficult because you now have to move your entire torso and even your legs, head, and hands so that you don’t get hit by flying rubble. As you can see in the video, players can kick objects very easily, but if your feet, hands or head get hit, then it’s game over.

“Humankind has faced earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and hurricanes—but the most dangerous natural disaster is a weather phenomenon known as the Tornuffalo. A Tornuffalo is formed when a layer of warm, moist air meets a layer of cold, dry air which meets a herd of angry buffalo.”

RealityRig, the developer of Tornuffalo, is implementing support under Steam’s Beta Branch, and it claims that the tracking isn’t perfect yet. The team recommends the Big Hammer bonus mode, which basically consists on wielding a Big Hammer.

The Tracker is currently only available for developers but it will launch to consumers later this year.  Tornuffalo, in the meantime, has been available for months now and it only costs $0.99.

Source: Steam CGamingTechnologyTornuffalo is a fun mini game that was first released last December and it just included full body tracking via HTC Vive trackers to add more fun and realism. The original game had players ducking and diving to avoid debris thrown by tornadoes using only their Vive headsets, but...VR, Oculus Rift, and Metaverse News - Cryptocurrency, Adult, Sex, Porn, XXX