German Media Group ProSiebenSat.1 Invests €3 Million in Holodeck VR for Location-Based Virtual Reality Experiences
Location-based virtual experiences are filling the void and meeting the need that hardware vendors are unable to fill with affordable, high-performance and accessible virtual reality hardware. They are literally taking VR mainstream and unlocking the joy of group VR experiences. Across the US, UK, China and Germany, there is an arcade renaissance happening currently and the revival is happening through location-based multi-user virtual reality experiences.
Munich-based virtual reality company Holodeck VR utilizes a proprietary technology to combine IR tracking, radio frequency and on-device IMUs to provide end users with a multi-user and positionally-tracked virtual reality mobile headsets. Holodeck VR’s virtual reality product is both socially and physically engaging and allows users to experience VR in groups that can be as large 20 people. Individuals will wear virtual reality goggles and move around in a room that measures 10 by 20 meters and get immersed into the VR experience.

The Holodeck VR experiences seamlessly blend the real and the virtual worlds enabling people immersed in virtual experiences to smoothly move around in physical environments. One of its latest creations immerses users in a virtual steampunk-inspired world while allowing them to move around in the physical world in bumper cars or on rollercoasters. In the virtual world, the user can immerse themselves in various experiences and adventures and explore new exciting worlds. Holodeck can even deploy the same technology to offer users customized solutions for tourism and eSports. Holodeck VR is planning to scale up the scope of its VR offerings by releasing new experiences every year at its multiple locations.
Holodeck VR has just received a €3 million investment from the leading German entertainment company ProSiebenSat.1 which will be used in expanding the company’s platform and its network of locations.
Holodeck VR grew out of the prestigious Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS and leverages its own in-house technology to deliver location-based experiences. Its technology allows groups of users to experience VR in physical locations.
According to Holodeck VR, its technological solution can also be used for other types of events beyond the location-based entertainment. These could include use-cases such as corporate team building, entertainment and birthday parties. Due to the group VR experiences, it is also possible to work through up to several thousands of guests everyday with the Holodeck VR platform making it a highly commercially-viable solution. The new investment from ProSiebenSat. 1 will enable Holodeck to scale up its open content platform and also increase its network of locations.

Holodeck will leverage its scalable multi-user virtual reality technology capable of covering various types of events to offer customers fun and novel experiences to thousands of users every day. Holodeck is currently exploring possibilities of new partnerships with location owners and operators that may want to convert their empty spaces into interactive Holodeck virtual reality entertainment centers.
The partnership with ProSiebenSat.1 creates a powerful synergy as the Munich-based media company also owns a vast distribution channel that it can leverage to scale up the Holodeck locations at various sites including leisure and activity parks. Other synergies that the partnership with the German media giant will activate include virtual reality content generation and live broadcasting.
Through the ProSiebenSat.1 sports business unit such as 7Sports, Holodeck VR will be able to leverage on its platform to plan eSports events. With the investment, the German media company is aiming to become the virtual reality “touchpoint for the next generation” by offering users new experiences that will be social, simple and fun. virtual experiences are filling the void and meeting the need that hardware vendors are unable to fill with affordable, high-performance and accessible virtual reality hardware. They are literally taking VR mainstream and unlocking the joy of group VR experiences. Across the US, UK, China and Germany, there is...Sam OchanjiSam Ochanjisochanji@yahoo.comEditorVirtual Reality Times - Metaverse & VR