People using OR for first time

Virtual reality is still a relatively new concept in the field of technological advancement. Everyone is now aware of Oculus Rift being one of the main headsets to promote virtual reality video games.

Most people are also aware of the fact that using these headsets, at least for the first few times, can be incredibly disorienting and the person using it might feel ill. The Oculus Rift headset plays havoc with the senses by introducing a virtual world so rich in detail that it feels real. It boggles the mind and takes some getting used to. The main issue begins where the player puts on the headset designed by Oculus Rift. Our peripheral vision is compromised while the image is right in front of our eyes. It can cause dizziness, disorientation, nausea and motion sickness.

Beta users of the Oculus Rift headset have been filmed on numerous occasions where they are shown using the equipment for the first time. Some of the recorded reactions are absolutely hilarious. A lot of these people have been filmed by their friends while they used the headset and in the end, everyone breaks out laughing which makes these videos even funnier than they normally would be. These recorded fellows are so amusing in their awkwardness that you can’t help but laugh despite feeling sorry for how they must be feeling.

Most of these videos have been shown as pranks played on friends and while pretty funny for those watching, these pranks can be pretty dangerous. The effects of the virtual reality headset should be discounted as trivial. Some people fall and hurt themselves so badly, they have to be taken to the hospital immediately for medical attention. Serious injuries are always a risk with these kinds of pranks; but admittedly, we all participate in them at one point or the other. The Oculus Rift headset alters your senses to such an extent that people sitting down can literally just fall over because of the distorted spatial perception due to the product. It’s kind of sad and funny at the same time. Some people testing the device were drunk and this just amplified their perceptual distortion, also increasing the risk of a highly dangerous injury that might require immediate help. So if you’re playing this prank on a friend, make sure that he or she has someone with them at all times to catch them when they fall, and that they don’t hurt themselves during this practical joke. Virtual Reality Times will keep bringing you relevant articles for future knowledge about the Oculus Rift products and their usage!

Reactions of First Time Users to Oculus Rift

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