Archives for Technology - Page 149
Assessment of the DK2’s Flaws and Limitations
After all the months of hype and daily hyperbole flowing out of the media about virtual reality and the Oculus Rift, I'm sure I'm not the only one who was…
Black Hat Oculus – Asymmetrical Cooperative Virtual Reality Game
There is no doubt about the fact that the Oculus VR is currently the leading virtual reality company. Although the consumer version of the Oculus Rift headset is not out…
The Launch of Doorways: The Underworld with Oculus Rift Support
Doorways: The Underworld is a first person adventure horror game created by Argentinian developer, Saibot Studios. The Underworld is the third chapter of Doorways and was released in August, 2014…
Microsoft looking to add eye-tracking on Xbox One VR headset
Microsoft has been noted as the absent gaming company when it comes to virtual reality. Valve and PS4 both have plans, alongside the new startup Oculus, but the creators of…
Big Year: IEEE’s 2015 VR Conference in France
Pundits Discuss VR's Break Into Mainstream 2015 is the Year of the Goat in Chinese calendars; just before Christmas of that year, Disney will release Star Wars Episode VII; the…
Uncharted 4 will “probably not” use virtual reality
Virtual reality still appears to be an unproven source of entertainment for video games. Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann, co-director of Uncharted 4, discussed in an interview with MCVUK that there has not…
A Terminally Ill Woman Uses Oculus Rift to Take Her Very Last Stroll
As it has been previously established, Oculus Rift is more than a gaming and entertainment device. Where it has allowed paralyzed patients to enjoy the sensation of walking around, it…
Star Trek – The Bridge of the USS Voyager with Oculus Rift
Oculus Rift always seems to be breaking boundaries. Its latest project allows you to visit the USS voyager bridge from Star Trek. It has been designed for you by indie…
Star Citizen – Become a Space Pilot in this New Game Concept
Star Citizen is a space flight simulation game that will let its users have a taste of parallel universe! Enter the virtual reality, pilot a spaceship and built you very…
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a local cooperative gameplay developed by Global Game Jam. It is an asymmetrical party game designed for more than one player. (more…)