Keanu Reeves to star in virtual reality TV show
Keanu Reeves, best known for his work on The Matrix, will star and co-produce in a new virtual reality TV series, called New Angeles. Independence Day director Roland Emmerich will direct the new TV series, set for release in 2016.
This is not the first entourage into virtual reality, The Matrix and other movies offer a look at futuristic VR scenes, albeit of a more complicated and sci-fi nature. Comic book writer Gregg Hurwitz will be the main writer of the New Angeles series.
It is interesting to see people from all forms of media, Reeves and Emmerich from movies, several TV producers and a comic book writer, all getting together to create this new TV series, all about what could potentially be their programming future.
According to Deadline, the TV series will be about a man who escapes the drudgery of real life by stepping into a virtual reality simulation in New Angeles. The TV series will follow the events of the simulation, as Reeves takes a trip down the rabbit hole.
The plot is not as refreshing as we had hoped, there have been quite a few virtual reality movies showing how people gain infinite power inside the simulation, but struggle with the issues on the outside, hopefully the writers can make the story more colorful.
Since the TV series is airing in 2016, we would love to see Slingshot Global Media, the company funding the new series, to upload it onto the Oculus Rift or some other VR headset. This would really work with the audience and would be a step forward in mainstream TV adoption of virtual reality headsets.
This might not be possible due to TV networks, but it would be awesome to see Keanu Reeves inside a simulation…inside a simulation. Oculus already has a movie application for users to browse different shows and movies, inside their headset.
Oculus Rift Cinema Tests Reeves, best known for his work on The Matrix, will star and co-produce in a new virtual reality TV series, called New Angeles. Independence Day director Roland Emmerich will direct the new TV series, set for release in 2016. This is not the first entourage into virtual reality, The Matrix and other movies offer a...David. CDavid Curry[email protected]SubscriberTechnology and video games writer from the UK. Enjoy playing video games. Currently learning electronic audio and web design.Virtual Reality Times - Metaverse & VR