Dying Light Launching for Oculus Rift
Gaming is reaching a whole new level with the advent of the virtual reality technology. A developing company by the name of ‘Techland’ is doing their best to capitalize on this fact.
Techland has developed and released a game called ‘Dying Light’ – a game in the zombie survival genre – and has made it compatible with Oculus Rift’s virtual reality headset. The game is said to have brilliant graphics, a believable story line and such realistic zombie figures that players are actually frightened of them! Users who have been able to experience Dying Light with the Oculus Rift headset have described it as being transported to a “Mediterranean-looking cityscape with a colossal tower at its centre”. The whole feel of the city is frightening but captures your interest at the same time.
One side effect of using virtual reality for gaming is that everything feels almost real – especially the bad parts. In Dying Light, people with a fear of heights will have to be extra careful. Apparently, the game includes climbing ledges, tall buildings, scaling rooftops and the like to escape from the chasing zombie army. If the player falls off of a high place – and we’re talking about 150 feet high – it will feel horribly real as he or she hits the sidewalk below. It’s a very scary experience and may cause a slight amount of trauma to the player which is why Dying Light has not been created for the faint hearted. That, coupled with the nausea experienced by a lot of users after playing in virtual reality may make the whole experience a bit on the unpleasant side.
The developers have mentioned that players might face certain kinks and issues in the game. They are working on straightening these out and hopefully releasing new updates soon to make Dying Light run smoother, without interference. Techland have said that they have received a huge show of support from the Oculus Rift team and are working with them on making sure that Dying Light is one of the best zombie/ horror games released for virtual reality. The developing team working for Dying Light has claimed that virtual reality is not just an added component in the game; they want it to be a key feature in the whole production. They are hard at work trying to make this game one of the very best in the genre. Virtual Reality Times will keep following Dying Light and report back with any further progress the game makes.
Dying Light – Trailer
For more information on Dying Light, please visit the following links:
https://virtualrealitytimes.com/2014/12/03/dying-light-launching-for-oculus-rift/https://virtualrealitytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Dying-Light1-e1417624494955.jpghttps://virtualrealitytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Dying-Light1-e1417624494955-150x90.jpgGamingHorrorOculus RiftGaming is reaching a whole new level with the advent of the virtual reality technology. A developing company by the name of ‘Techland’ is doing their best to capitalize on this fact. Techland has developed and released a game called ‘Dying Light’ – a game in the zombie survival genre...Anushay QaiserAnushay Qaiser[email protected]Contributor gobet slot daywinbet daywin gobetasia gobet daywinbet daywinbet gobetasia daywinbet gobetasia Virtual Reality Times - Metaverse & VR