Archives for 2015 - Page 6
Want a free Cardboard VR headset? One VR porn site offers them
Screenshot from Do you fancy VR porn but doesn't want to splurge so much on the most elaborate VR headset contraptions? Some VR porn website is giving you a limited…
First Version of HoloLens Won’t be Game-Centric at Launch – Microsoft
Photo: Microsoft The highly anticipated launch of Microsoft's entry into the VR and AR world has become a hot topic for the purpose of its existence. There goes the questions…
Second Life 2: Project Sansar is Coming
Image give to us by Linden Labs that most likely is not from the "Project Sansar" world Peter Grey of Linden Labs, was kind enough to respond to our interview…
Jaunt unveils Neo, a 360-degree high-end professional VR camera
Photo: Jaunt Jaunt has been among the leaders of the pack when it comes to cinematic VR. Having the tagline as "the future of cinematic VR", the VR company has…
Microsoft develops better optics than those found on the Rift
A comparison of image quality from Microsoft's lens and the Oculus Rift DK2. Photo: Microsoft Research The research and development arm of tech giant Microsoft has just come up with…
Sphericam 2 is a 360-degree camera rig for the Oculus Rift
As content creators take their craft from the usual viewing media towards virtual reality, spherical cameras that are able to capture full 360-degree content are gaining popularity. VR isn't worthwhile…
Crytek and Oculus team up for Back To Dinosaur Island demo on the Rift
Visual experiences optimized for virtual reality are constantly being refined for upcoming VR headsets such as the Oculus Rift. VR is poised to become the norm for mainstream content consumption…
Awards for the Fugliest VR Headsets
Those tiny holes on the front of the HTC Vive VR headset make it odd-looking. Photo: HTC/Valve This is the polar opposite of our previous article on the most fashionable…
Top 3 Most Fashionable VR Headsets
The Impression Pi made it to our list of good-looking VR headsets. Photo: Usens When VR headsets were first conceptualized in the early 90's, one of the first impressions that…
Getty Images gets into VR with panoramic photo viewer for Oculus Rift, Gear VR
Getty Images is highly interested in VR, and it takes the big leap forward right now to gamble on it. Getty Images, being the largest, most comprehensive, and most diverse…