Magic Leap’s New Demo Video Simply Shows How Awesome It Is

In the advent of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies, a very secretive company has emerged and is working up their sleeves to create the marriage of VR and AR tech. It’s called Magic Leap, and thanks to its funding largely backed up by Google, it has showed some amazing work with its demo videos. The question still remains of how does this piece of novel technology actually works.
For now, the idea behind Magic Leap’s jaw-dropping execution still remains a mystery.
In a new demo video released by the company, it can be seen that Magic Leap is working on the next generation of mixed reality – a combination of VR and AR, which overlays virtual objects over the real world.
Just like magic, the usual on-screen objects such as messaging apps, emails, to-dos, and charts float in the air. There is also a 3D holographic representation of Mount Everest rising from nowhere. The demo shows something we have only dreamed of or seen in sci-fi movies. It is, without a doubt, a very impressive demonstration of how Magic Leap will execute mixed reality. And because of the secretive nature of the company, only a select few outside the company really knows how the thing works.
Magic Leap has done serious work, and thanks to this, it has attracted hundreds of millions of dollars in investment. These investors include Google, which provided the largest funding yet of US$500 million, along with some other Silicon Valley firms.
With mixed reality, Magic Leap falls somewhere in between virtual reality and augmented reality. While Oculus Rift and HTC Vive has done a significant work on VR, augmented reality is following suit, pioneered by the defunct Google Glass and the developer-oriented Microsoft HoloLens. Magic Leap is seen to bridge the gap between AR and VR with its mixed reality platform.
With all the information we know about Magic Leap shown by its demo video, the company has been predicted to render the technology using a pair of “goggles” equipped with advanced depth perception functionality and highly sophisticated graphics processing. Magic Leap employs a thing called light field technology, where the images seen are projected sideways onto a semi-transparent material that sits in front of the eye, and is reflected directly into the retina.
According to the company, the technology behind all the image rendering is unique – and it stops right there, because they aren’t disclosing why just yet.
Watch the video below, which demonstrates Magic Leap’s amazing tech.
For more information on Magic Leap, please visit the following websites: