Hermione Granger VR Sex App Being Developed
All you Harry Potter fans are soon to have your greatest fantasy fulfilled, as a developer called Virtual Harem 34 has just opened a Patreon account with the goal to produce a VR sex tool featuring an Emma Watson 3D model performing unprintable acts within your Vive or Oculus Rift.
This “Sexy Witch”, as it’s described on their Patreon page, will be performing sex acts that are still illegal in some countries and a few U.S. counties, once the meager goal of only $200 per month is reached, and as of this writing, it’s already at $196!
You may be wondering, how is this legal? Celebrities have the right to control how their image is used, and if they don’t like how their “brand” is portrayed by their fans or foes, they can send a cease and desist letter to anyone publishing or creating the material, or sue for damages. Plus the developer would be opening himself up to legal risk for using the Harry Potter name or trademark. However, if he doesn’t use the name Hermione or Emma Watson, it starts to enter a grey zone. That’s because making a “parody” is legal. That’s why Saturday Night Live can do an insulting interpretation of Donald Trump or other celebrities. However, if the 3D digital likeness is sufficiently similar to Emma, and she wanted to push the issue, then it could be up to a court of law to determine if it’s similar enough, and whether any damage has been done to her public image and reputation. This is true whether or not the developer is charging for the VR demo or app. The risk to her is that a lawsuit can bring a lot more attention to the project, and what may fade into internet history could go viral once a celebrity is actually involved with the project.
This is, of course, assuming that her attorney’s are able to find the creator or publisher. With the internet being what it is today, one wonders how a Hollywood legal firm is going to track down an anonymous nineteen-year-old Unity wiz living in Russia.

For many years, the photos of (mainly female) celebrities have been doctored to show nudity or eroticism, and posted on sites such as this. It seems as if this kind of stuff has been mostly ignored, perhaps because to some extent it’s publicity for the stars, and “any publicity is good publicity” as they say.
Hermione is just the beginning, because virtual reality will soon take this type “fan art” to an extreme, with fully rendered, realistic 3D pornography being created to feature every new movie or TV star, with little that anyone can do about it, given the ease of distribution on the internet. If movie and music studios can’t stop piracy, no one will be able to stop the wholesale sexual exploitation of stars in the world of VR. The reality is that this type of technology is simply unstoppable, and there will be a big market for it, so celebrities will probably just have to accept this type of thing as a downside of fame.
Virtual Harem 34 says that their “sexy witch” is only the first of many, and when they hit $10,000 per month in Patreon funding, they will go Open Source, allowing the world community of horny VR artists to participate in creating content.
If this is your type of thing, you can support them here: Patreon for Virtual Harem 34
Short Sample Video from the Developers
https://virtualrealitytimes.com/2016/07/12/hermione-granger-vr-sex-app-being-developed/https://virtualrealitytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Hermione-Emma-Watson-Bigger-Photo-600x619.jpghttps://virtualrealitytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Hermione-Emma-Watson-Bigger-Photo-150x90.jpgAdult GamesAdult VRPatreonVR Porn - RenderedAll you Harry Potter fans are soon to have your greatest fantasy fulfilled, as a developer called Virtual Harem 34 has just opened a Patreon account with the goal to produce a VR sex tool featuring an Emma Watson 3D model performing unprintable acts within your Vive or Oculus...Virtual Reality Times [email protected]SubscriberVirtual Reality Times - Metaverse & VR