New Houzz App Enables Users to Test Floor Design Choices in Augmented Reality
The popular home improvement and remodeling app and online portal Houzz has just launched an update to its augmented reality ‘View in My Room 3D tool that will make it possible for both Android and iOS users to test various tiled floor design choices in AR before purchasing them. The app literally allows you to virtually tile your floors in augmented reality thereby giving you an illustration of how your flooring is likely to look like when particular tile designs are installed.
The app will come in handy when it comes to flooring renovations or when you are doing new flooring on your premises. Everyone, from buyers to sellers or homeowners can utilize the app to visualize what their flooring projects are likely to look like when finished with particular tile designs.

Houzz has applied the AR update on its pre-existing two year old free app known as ‘View in My Room 3D’ which is available on both Android and iOS devices. The View in My Room 3D app is a versatile home décor and improvement tool that allows users to visualize various items in their rooms in 3D such as furniture on floors and paintings on walls.
Using the new AR app tool, a customer can scan various features such as the horizontal surfaces, they can mark borders on the floor surface, view the chosen tile options and make an in-app purchase once they have decided on the appropriate product to purchase. The new AR feature also allows users to capture images and store them on their idea boards or share them with other people.
When planning home improvements or home renovations, you can utilize the app in testing the multiple flooring options from the choices that are available on the Houzz database. You will also be able to see the instant cost estimate for the flooring projects using specific tiles based on the size of the room.
The app simplifies the process of shopping for new tiles for your interior spaces. It’s one thing to imagine how a particular tile design is likely to look like in your finished room but it’s another altogether when you are able to visualize your entire flooring covered virtually in the new tiling through an immersive virtual reality experience.
Houzz is continuously working on creating AR-enabled shopping experiences on its platform which are more useful and more immersive. The app’s View in My Room 3D tool enables users to browse, discover, select or buy the best tile designs for their spaces. With its estimation function, you will be able to approximate the right amounts and buy the tiles in the right quantities.
The AR tool targets consumers or end users but it can also be used by real estate agents who wish to perform on-the-spot staging in order to assist potential buyers in making quick buying decisions. The tool can also be of use to sellers who wish to make design choices for home renovations that can potentially enhance the value and appeal of the property.
You can also use the View in My Room 3D tool to bounce off some design ideas to prospective customers. Doing this often boosts the rate of conversion. According to Zillow, for example, a blue bathroom design will boost a buyer’s offer by at least $5000. HomeLight has also reported that 54% of buyers are willing to splurge a little more in property listings that have wood flooring. These buyer dynamics can be captured in the augmented reality tool. By showcasing certain design elements in the property, it will be possible to boost the revenues from the sales of products.
Users can test the augmented reality add-on by downloading it from the Houzz mobile app and then picking a preferred 3D tile product design from the Houzz marketplace. After the user has selected a product and clicked on the ‘View in My Room’, they will be rerouted to finish two scans.

The first scan they take will automatically detect the location of the room along with the orientation of the floors. The second scan taken, however, will request the app users to position “anchor points” in all corners. These will assist the AR app in generating the precise room measurements which will be used in estimating the quantity of tiles required to finish the project.
On finding a tile that you prefer and wish to buy, the tool will give you a cost estimate when you click on the ‘measurement’ icon that is found at the bottom right corner of the app interface. The cost estimate will also factor in a 10% product waste buffer that will account for instances of tile damage or where some pieces of tiles are discarded during the installation process.

The last feature in the View in My Room 3D tool is a functionality that allows the user or potential buyer to add the selected tile to the shopping cart. It also provides the option to save it in their Houzz ideabook which is a Pinterest-style board that can be curated and shared with others such as friends, family or real estate agent.

The View in My Room 3D app was launched in 2017. Since its launch, the home improvement platform has incorporated more than 1 million products in its 3D catalogue. The products have been viewed on augmented reality by more than 2 million users according to Houzz. Another impressive stat that retailers will love is the fact those who have viewed the products via the app are 11 times more like to make a purchase than those who haven’t.
The new Houzz AR app is one of the many augmented reality shopping apps that have been launched in the recent past by some of the giant retailers such as Amazon, IKEA, Pottery Barn and Target. RealityTechnology The popular home improvement and remodeling app and online portal Houzz has just launched an update to its augmented reality ‘View in My Room 3D tool that will make it possible for both Android and iOS users to test various tiled floor design choices in AR before purchasing them....Sam OchanjiSam Ochanji[email protected]EditorVirtual Reality Times - Metaverse & VR