VR Dungeon Crawler ‘Ancient Dungeon’ Dropping in a Few Months
Ancient Dungeon did a successful Kickstarter last year. The rogue-lite dungeon crawler is now set to launch “soon” according to the developer Eric Thullen. The title will arrive on both Oculus Quest and SteamVR headsets in early access.

Thullen posted a Kickstarter update stating that the titles latest version (b0.9) is its last substantial update before the game’s early access release that is set to happen “in a few months.”
In Ancient Dungeon, you are dropped into a vast dungeon that has constantly changing pathways and the player can engage in physical combat in various ways such as swinging swords, shooting arrows, and throwing knives. It features mimics, skeletons, and enemy mages.
The title also features various other easily recognizable dungeoning classics. You will discover hidden treasure, battle your way through the deep pits, dodge some lethal traps and smash every pot and crates you find along the way.
According to Thullen, all the dungeons that you encounter along the way are randomly generated and filled with secrets, traps, semi-bosses as well as different other types of loot. The deeper the player immerses themselves into the dungeons, the more dangerous the environment becomes and the more dangerous enemies they will encounter.
Players will be up against different kinds of dungeons such as the Overgrown Dungeon which has lots of vegetation as well as plant-based enemies. There is also the Infernal Dungeon where the player encounters the fire-based enemies.
You won’t find the same dungeons in all of your runs as the game features multiple paths that a player can take to experience different and hidden places.
If you are eager to try it out, the beta is freely available on all supported devices. Check out the App Lab for the most up-to-date Oculus Quest beta. You can also try out the beta using SteamVR headsets.
https://virtualrealitytimes.com/2021/04/24/vr-dungeon-crawler-ancient-dungeon-dropping-in-a-few-months/https://virtualrealitytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Ancient-Dungeon-600x341.jpghttps://virtualrealitytimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Ancient-Dungeon-150x90.jpgGamingTechnologyAncient Dungeon did a successful Kickstarter last year. The rogue-lite dungeon crawler is now set to launch “soon” according to the developer Eric Thullen. The title will arrive on both Oculus Quest and SteamVR headsets in early access. Thullen posted a Kickstarter update stating that the titles latest version (b0.9)...Sam OchanjiSam Ochanji[email protected]EditorVirtual Reality Times - Metaverse & VR