‘Beat Saber’ Update Brings ‘Pro Mode’, Multiplayer Badges, and Four More Modifiers
Beat Saber dropped its latest update on March 9th on all the supported platforms. The new update brings four new modifiers, various UI tweaks, and multiplayer badges.
This is the Beat Saber v1.13.4 and it has come with lots of new changes that are guaranteed to further spice up your gameplay experience. The update is also available on all platforms.
Players will be seeing the five new modifiers which will also increase the difficulty level of a given song. These modifiers include: –
- Super Fast Song – 150% Speed
- Pro Mode (beta) – The hitboxes have the same size as the cubes
- Strict Angles (beta) – Players need to more precisely match their swing to the arrow direction
- Small Notes (beta) – Notes at 50% smaller. However, the hitboxes aren’t reduced by as much.
- Zen Mode – These are no notes or UI and you simply enjoy the music and lights.
Most Beat Saber modifiers either have a positive or negative impact on your scoring but the ones listed with a ‘beta’ parenthesis will not have any impact on your scoring, at least for now.
Apart from the new modifiers, Beat Saber’s multiplayer mode has also received an update and now includes 11 new badges that can be awarded to showcase a player’s performance in relation to the other players after every song. Here is a complete list of the new badges: –
- Saber Surgeon – Best precision
- Lumberjack – Worst precision
- Perfectionist – Full combo
- Longest Journey – Best max combo
- Casual Cutter – Worst mac combo
- Jazz Hands – Most hand movement
- Fencer – Least hand movement
- Restless Slicer – Most saber movement
- Nihilist – Least saber movement
- No Mercy – Most good cuts
- Air slicer – Least good cuts
Beat Saber’s new multiplayer badge is accompanied by a new multiplayer results screen which shows off the new badges. Other players will also be represented with custom colors in the multiplayer mode.
Although the main menu has been revamped in the recent past, the new update also upgrades the main menu with new music.
The Beat Saber v1.13.4 also features an “updated light system” as well as “various tweaks and fixes” although the developer didn’t provide much detail about these new features.
However, this new update still doesn’t have a multiplayer mode for the PSVR version of the game. The other improvements that come with the update will also roll out on the PSVR headset this time.
Before the latest update, the Beat Saber v1.13.2 had smaller improvements such as the following: –
- Other players in the multiplayer can now see the obstacles
- The player height detector has been fixed to correctly compute a player’s height in the game
- Fireworks in the Results screen has been fixed
- There are visual tweaks along with other small fixes
- The No Fail modifier has been caged to apply 0.5x only after the player had depleted all the energy.
- Player Statistics including Online stats have been brought back into the Help/How to Play screen