Snapchat Launches DIY AR Web Ad Builder
Snapchat’s AR effects that use the camera “lenses” in the smartphones caught on like wildfire and are incredibly popular with end users and brands alike. They enable Snapchat users to use their camera lenses to add objects and digital effects onto the real-world scenes.
In fact, as far as AR goes, they are ahead of the curve and have introduced augmented reality experiences to millions of users.

This week, Snapchat released a Lens Web Builder tool which simplifies the process of creating AR effects. This simplified AR ad creation tool is designed to assist companies to more easily create AR promotions on the platform.
Before, lens creation required a standalone AR app or some proficiency in design. Snap’s new simple and functional tool is now accessible via any common web browser and enables users to build Snapchat lenses in a matter of minutes even if they do not possess any Augmented Reality design experience.
Creators will be able to upload their 2D assets such as images and logos to personalize their Snapchat effects. These will be in addition to the hundreds of Snap-supplied assets such as the digital effects, animations and 3D objects. The custom lens developed will subsequently be available for use in their company’s Snapchat ad campaigns according to their daily minimum spending requirements.
The Lens Web Builder democratizes the creation process of the Snapchat effects and is a major next step in the mainstreaming of augmented reality which will soon be an important part of our daily lives in the next few years.
The first consumer Augmented Reality glasses will begin shipping this year. They will bring to the mainstream users enterprise settings and wearable display technologies straight out of the innovation labs of the various mixed reality companies. In the coming years, these technologies will power a big part of our daily lives including advertising, shopping, map navigation among others.
For the time being, tools such as Lens Web Builder provide a quick and less intimidating introduction into what is an otherwise daunting AR ad/digital effects creation process.
Snap has a massive community of 218 million daily active users, 75% of whom are now engaging with Augmented Reality content on a daily basis on average. More than 735,000 lenses have already been created on the platform with the top lenses hitting 1 billion views. This impressive track record of user engagement was realized with Snap’s previous Lens Studio tool. Snap continues to support that tool for the creation of sophisticated Augmented Reality content while at the same time now offering the less technically proficient users the simpler and more accessible Lens Web Builder tool. RealityTechnologySnapchat’s AR effects that use the camera “lenses” in the smartphones caught on like wildfire and are incredibly popular with end users and brands alike. They enable Snapchat users to use their camera lenses to add objects and digital effects onto the real-world scenes. In fact, as far as AR...Sam OchanjiSam Ochanji[email protected]EditorVirtual Reality Times - Metaverse & VR