VR Sex Games
These “games” are not all actually games, since there’s often no strategy or way to win. What they are is human bodies rendered by the computer, as opposed to VR sex movies, which are created by actually making a 3D or 360 degree video of real humans. These sex games use either Unity or UE4 game engines, along with 3d models either imported from Daz3D and other 3D modelling software, and animated with Maya, 3Ds Max, or similar software. The textures are painted by artists or created from scans of real skin or bodies. The animations can be done manually or with MOCAP.
These games suffer the same problems as all current VR, especially the lack of being able to use your hands, or feel anything that you’re seeing. The relatively low quality of the models and lack of realistic anatomy or movement will probably turn off many viewers, but a few people may find these titillating, especially the higher quality ones such as Honey Select. However, as with the rest of VR, this is just the beginning, and with porn a $20 billion/year market in the U.S. alone, we expect tremendous growth in this area.
Given the huge payoff, it’s actually very surprising that more money isn’t going into this, especially considering the weak competition and lack of a truly big investment by anyone in this area, as it seems that the bigger players in porn are all staying on the sidelines, and traditional AAA gaming companies aren’t interested in this market. Perhaps a team somewhere is secretly developing something amazing that will deliver what the VR sex market is waiting for, but for now such a title remains elusive.
At the moment, the best of these by far are the titles from Japanese company Illusion, but they are very difficult to operate because they’re in Japanese. However, a sex game being developed by Ieira, currently untitled, shows great promise, with by far the best face and expression animations done so far.
Virtual Reality Porn Games and Demos
Price: $15
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4BA3ajlOBE
Download Link: beta.imaginevr.io/product/8769841333
BeachHouseX is created by Citor3 Entertainment, currently priced at $15. From the video we can see that it’s a bit clunky and lacks the realism or detail of the Japanese VR sex games from Illusion. The movements of the characters are very mechanical and they have little to no expressions. Hopefully they’ll improve this to make the girls interesting to look at.
Club Vixxxen
Price: Free Demo
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPrpV-72Fns
Website: www.otiumvr.com/
Patreon: www.patreon.com/otiumvr
Like BeachHouseX, Club Vixxxen has a lot of work put into it, for a lackluster result. This is mainly because the girls look like robots, without any LIFE to them. They don’t appear to breath or move in a realistic way.
When compared to Honey Select, or the amazing work of Ieira, this seems very low quality and disappointing. In my opinion, too much work has gone into the background and environment, and not enough into where it counts in VR, which is making the characters fun to interact with. And of course, this is also, by far, the most difficult part, which is why so few developers have succeeded.
Custom Maid 2 (Illusion)
Torrent Hash: 9E6952E9CB6B4DF86FF1E4834933CEE6AB9FB5EF
Price: Free Torremt, lots of time and headache getting it to work
Website: http://kisskiss.tv/cm3d2/
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4eesju07Ds
Technical Help: wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php?title=Custom_Maid_3D_2/Technical_Help
Japanese gaming studio KISS has a title similar to Honey Select, called Custom Maid 2, which allows you to customize a female ANIME-STYLE character and then animate her in a variety of titillating ways while playing the game. As with all of the “only in Japanese” games, it’s very difficult to get it to work right, and there’s little to no support/help out there. To get Custom Maid 2, you need to use the Hash above, or other torrent file method, and then install it using the info in the Tech Help link above. You’ll need to change your computer’s region to Japan and install some other software.
The characters are pure Anime, with the wide set eyes and nearly no nose. If you prefer more realism, Honey Select is going to be for you.
Honey Select (Illusion)
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63A_dt9jkUE
Download Link: mega.nz/#!W4szFA6K!lR1TwE_OkJsA8RSs1SzUFtUHb32QsMIPJTWpED2AoZI
Torrent Link: Honey Select Torrent
VR Mod and Instructions: github.com/Eusth/HoneySelectVR/blob/master/README.md
Honey Select is currently the most advanced Sex Game out there, created by Japanese company Illusion. As with the other Illusion tittles, it’s difficult to install and even more difficult to use, since the controls are mostly in Japanese. The company appears to have no plans to make an English version, perhaps because Japanese companies don’t think much about markets outside of Japan for their products? In addition to what the company offers, there are many mods that can be added to extend it, and some of the controls have been translated to English.
With the extensions added, you can create various girls with changes in clothing, hair, eyes, etc. The graphics are the most realistic of any of the VR sex games, with great lighting, and high quality animations. I have never been able to get the game to work right, but people say that even when it IS working right, it’s still very challenging to “play”, with a lot of rules and restrictions about what can happen when, and you have to jump through a lot of hoops.
Price: Variety of Options
Website: https://beta.imaginevr.io/
Imagine VR isn’t a game, but rather a website that markets several VR sex titles, including a few shown here on the list such as BeachHouseX and Club Vixxxen.
I can’t be sure, but it appears that all the titles shown here were developed by the same team, and aren’t particularly well done. But they’re not very expensive and with few VR sex games currently available, they are worth checking out to see the first generation of such titles.
Red Lights Center
Price: $20 per month
Website: http://www.redlightscenter.com/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLFzNPN9g0Y
One of the first VR sex games available, Red Light District is a massive online multiplayer world like Second Life, but dedicated to sex.
Unfortunately it seems to be using last year’s technology, and although much better than those in Second Life, the models don’t compare with those being developed today in the most cutting edge VR sex game projects.
Still, it’s a fun world to explore and see what’s possible now, and imagine what the next generations of games will look like when high quality models are used.
Skyrim with Mods
Price: $19.99 on Steam
Website: http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim/
Sample Video: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5794b9e3346e0
OSex – Best Sex Mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69448
VR Skyrim http://www.vorpx.com
Skyrim is a very popular AAA quality video game, with thousands of mods that vastly improve the quality. There are also many sex mods, which are tricky to install, but along with a mod that adds Oculus Rift or Vive VR support, you should be able to create many sex scenes. The sample video above shows something done using Skyrim and then edited.
The advantage of Skyrim is the amazing lighting and diversity of backgrounds. The characters are infinitely customizable and the women can be amazingly hot. The genius who created the OSex mod has made it one of the best possible options as a VR sex game, although it’s still very limited in what it can do, and is very difficult to get it all working right.
Virtual Harem 34
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/virtualharem34
Video: https://vid.me/p2cV
Virtual Harem 34 is running a Patreon project, to focus on creating celebrities such as Hermione from Harry Potter in VR. Developed using the Unity, the Patreon lists a series of goals, starting with the “Sexy Witch” and then moving to other celebrity favorites, and finally, once $10,000 per month in funding is reached, an Open Source platform for other developers and VR artists to participate in. The VR sex community has been clamoring for an open source platform for a couple of years, so this could finally be it.
VR Titties
Price: Demo Available to Patreons ($1/month min)
Website: http://vrtitties.com / www.gladstonegaming.com
Patreon: www.patreon.com/vrtitties
Download Link: https://mega.nz/#!ehpCESiS!0y0mZEXht0tzv9HYN5S0y4n_xVZEMc0sfhUebhA35rk
VR Titties is being created with UE4, so it has very high quality lighting, textures, and models. There are options to change the look and clothing of the female character, and to save them, but the variety available isn’t nearly as extensive as Honey Select.
Its 10 animations/positions are overly simplistic and low quality compared with Honey Select, very mechanical and lifeless in this iteration, probably because VR Titties is all being done by a single person, rather than a professional team. The creator has a lot of good ideas, and VR Titties has been steadily improving over time, so expect it to continue to get better with each new release of the game.
The difficulty with this type of project is that even if the developer is a genius at one aspect such as the coding or making beautiful models, animation is a completely different skill set. Even if the developer is an expert at using all the technical animation tools available, understanding and re-creating all the small details, subconscious movements, and micro-expressions a real person makes, to make her seem life-like to overcome the “uncanny valley”, is something that very few people in the world know how to do. That seems to be the case hear with VR Titties, and we hope the developer will now focus on bringing more life to the models by focusing on the animations and facial expressions.
Waifu Sex Simulator V1.9
Price: Free Demo
Download Links: Oculus – Vive
Video of Gameplay: www.youtube.com/watch?v=B36rhG2nA9o
Much like VR Titties, the Waifu Sex Simulator is the creator of a single designer over a couple of years, with each version adding new features and improvements. It’s made in Unity so doesn’t have the quality of VR Titties, which is UE4.
While VR Titties is trying to be a real as possible, Waifu is for people who love anime characters.
VR Sex Games Under Development
Eva Galaxy Evolution XXX
Movie: vimeo.com/180380646
Patreon: www.patreon.com/evagalaxy
This is a fun project with a lot of potential. The developer is active at the OculusNSFW reddit and responds quickly to fans and contributors, which is nice to see.
Like most lone-developer VR projects in the genre, the models are basic and animations are crude, but the developer clearly understands what’s needed to make his project better, and has a long list of improvements that he plans to add, such as voice recognition,
Website: www.holodexxx.com
Promo Video: vimeo.com/150597549
Video from Vice: http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/behind-the-scenes-of-tori-blacks-virtual-reality-porn-debut
This unique idea is seen by many as the future of VR porn. Holodexxx is creating realistic and accurate skins by scanning nine famous porn stars, applying those skins to 3D models, sculpting the models to match the real girls, adding their actual voices, and using MOCAP to capture their movements.
The end result is supposed to be TRUE Virtual Reality porn movies, that you can see from any angle. They also plan to allow a certain amount of customization of the models, and to include the community in their project somehow.
Note: On Nov 7, 2016, after a series of delays, Holodexxx announced that they’re indefinitely delaying it again: http://www.holodexxx.com/blogs/news/holodexxx-delay
Ieira’s Sex Game (Untitled)
Website: meakrob47.tumblr.com
Patreon: www.patreon.com/user/posts?u=3388322
By far the most interesting and exciting VR Sex Game under development, Ieira’s project doesn’t even have a title yet. It’s no exaggeration to say that Ieira is a serious genius. His creations, as seen in his videos in the development stage, already have more life to them than the expert teams making the best titles such as Honey Select and Custom Maid 2.
He has already demonstrated that he has mastered the most difficult part of breathing life into his digital girls. They are shockingly realistic, with perfect human facial expressions and micro-movements that show us what’s possible and give us hope for the future of animated humans for virtual reality.
La Douche
Movie: www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=15&v=RwOXjD5Z8_g
Patreon: www.patreon.com/ZnelArts
This is a “game” for voyeurs, where you simply watch a naked girl taking a shower, and can interact with her breasts by touching/moving them with the Vive controllers. The developer started the project as an architecture project and (no surprise) found that men kept asking about the female model that was added for scale, wanting to see her animated. So the developer started down this new path to make a more adult-oriented app, and while it isn’t exactly pornography, it certainly has the potential to turn into that once the technology has been built.
“La Douche” by the way, means “The Shower” in French. The developer is very focused on doing this right and making something high quality, so it will be interesting to watch as it develops.
Monster Girl Island
Patreon: www.patreon.com/monstergirlisland
This Patreon project is unique in that the girls he’s developing are only partially human, obviously geared towards to anime enthusiasts who are into this type of thing.
He has been fairly active with his Patreon, which gives us the impression that he’s actually working on and improving the project. With its colors and cartoony style, it’s quite a bit different from the others in this list, and should be fun to watch to see how it develops.
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=B36rhG2nA9o
Indiegogo: www.indiegogo.com/projects/virtuadolls-an-adult-vr-game-controller–2#/
This game is unique in that it includes its own sex toy for men. The excellent video link above demonstrates how the machine works. It includes position sensors inside so that the software can match its movements to what the user sees in VR.
Although they are hoping to working with other content developers, they’re also creating their own “Girls of Arcadia” sex game to include with the product.
Projects that Seem Fake or Abandoned
BKK Cybersex Cup
Website: https://www.bkksextoy.com
Price: ?
This is unique among these listings because it’s a full product, and appears, from YouTube videos, that it already exists and is for sale. The product include a custom VR headset for a mobile phone, a phone app, and a masturbation cup that’s synced to the movement that the wearer sees in the headset. The website doesn’t list a price, and we have to wonder if this is a failed product that never really got off the ground. This YouTube video shows a reviewer enjoying it (although not exactly as the designers intended): Youtube.com/watch?v=Oo5hxBWzOEI
Dreamgirl Dating
Website: www.dreamgirl.dating/
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7sPdcmaz9c
This one looks to be a lot of B.S. The website shows a gorgeous, perfect girl, obviously rendered in 3D Studio Max or similar, and then the YouTube video shows a very low quality demo. Whether you call it Bait and Switch or False Advertising is up to you. I added it at the bottom here but it seems like a scam.
Further Info
Reddit.com/r/adultvrgames – Best Reddit threads for VR porn and adult games.
Virex.io – Website with complete information on the array of current and upcoming VR adult and xxx games.